Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Important Dates Of State Bank of India 2012 recruitment

SBI to fill up 3,100 clerical vacancies.The bank has called for applications as part of a special recruitment drive for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Class category. It is also having a regular recruitment exercise for posting...

Republic Day Security will be very tight in the city till Jan 30

The entry of visitors inside the national and international terminals, the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport (SVPI) suspended for 30 jaanuar.Liikuda put in place security measures in the wake of Independence Day. Airport officials...

How To Make the Lighter Oyster dish Version

Last week's oyster casserole was rich with butter and cream, and as Henriette den Ouden of Habanera Farm in Tyaskin pointed out, it wasn't for everyone. "Many people on the Eastern Shore are staying away from butter and cream due to cholesterol...

Hollywood confirms Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis : Paula Deen

aula Deen has confirmed that she has been living with Type 2 Diabetes today, following speculation last week that the celebrity cook had signed on as a spokes woman for a pharmacutial company that makes medication for the disease. Deen, 64,...