Saturday, 12 February 2011

Mubarak leave, In Egypt there is Happy environment

Hosni MubarakCahira:: Egyptian anti-incumbency in the 18 days after exposure Hosni President Mubarak finally left his office at the hands of military handed over power to the country. Vice President Omar Suleiman also, Nation on television on Friday in a statement made to the A-lan. As soon as the news around the party atmosphere in Egypt. Of people fiercely fireworks. Protesters in Cahira there millions by putting slogans, flags and car horn playing happily to express their joy. Some people kissed the ground with joy, some joy felt down on the grass.

Hosni Mubarak
Meanwhile, the military has suspended two Houses of Parliament. Cabinet has been dismissed. Mubarak began to be expressed is the possibility of prosecution.

Hosni Mubarak
Suleiman said the country is going through the hard times, it has decided to step down from the post of President Mubarak. He is the Armed Forces Council to assume the rule. Happy news of the coming withdrawal of opposition leader and Nobel laureate Muhammad al Brade said it is the greatest day of my life.My Country is free now.

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