Monday 28 February 2011

Obama said to Gaddafi leave the country

Obama said to Gaddafi leave the country
U.S. President Barack Obama said to German Chancellor Angela Merkel that this is the time when Libya ruler Muammar Gaddafi gives resign.

Obama said to Gaddafi leave the country

According to a statement issued on Saturday, Obama on the telephone conversation with Merkel on Libya's current conditions during that time they do this comments.

Obama said to Gaddafi leave the country

In a satatement the President said that when a ruler to stay in power by any means, he takes recourse to genocide against their people. He lost his legitimacy to rule on country for them it would be right to leave the country.

Obama said to Gaddafi leave the country In Berlin, government spokesman Christoph Steegmans said that both the leaders are agreed that Gaddafi has lost the legitimacy to rule on the country and He should stop the action that taken against people. He expressed their support for the people of Libya and demands of their global rights.

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