Wednesday 9 February 2011

S. Korean to accept the offer to Red Cross talks, the DPRK

S. Korean  to accept the offer to Red Cross talks, the DPRK On Wednesday, Democratic People's Republic of Korea South Korea and DPRK on a proposal by the Red Cross humanitarian issues are discussed, Seoul's unification ministry, which overseas inter-Korean affairs, said in a briefing.

South Korea's Red Cross first day of a message sent to his counterpart in the northern border, "in principle" agreed with the proposal and discussed details of the two sides after the talks suggest different working-level military talks end on currently, the Ministry of Lee Jong Ju's spokesman told reporters at the press briefing.

S. Korean  to accept the offer to Red Cross talks, the DPRK
Including the reunion of families separated by the 1950-53 Korean War, the government of the importance and urgent need to deal with humanitarian issues to know about, "Lee said, adding that both sides before negotiations to agree on procedural matters and other details will actually be held.

South Korea inter-Korean talks have been passionate about, insisting that the DPRK before their provocative acts as Seoul has condemned the "responsible" should be helpful. Seoul accuses "a battleship sunk Pyongyang fired a limit islands.

"I reiterate the government's stance has not changed and we still North (DPRK) Korea's sincerity in addressing issues need to be convinced" of his alleged drowning and shooting attack, the spokesman said.

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