Thursday 31 March 2011

Google celebrates Robert Bunsen's 200th birthday

Robert Bunsen's 200th birthday doodle

As we all know that Google is famous name in the world of Internet, is also giant search engine. Today Google Celebrates the Birthday with his famous Google Doodle style. Anybody who has walked in to a high school science classroom across the globe remembers the first time they saw a Bunsen burner - one of the first awestruck moments of our youth - the stuff of every mad scientist movie we had watched as kids was there sitting at our desks. In recognition of Robert Bunsen's 200th birthday, Google has honored the inventor with a Doodle - March 31st - and is showing on the Google homepage for countries where it is already that day. Continuing with the trend to showcase new doodles on search engine’s home page, Google is here with a nice doodle on occasion of Robert Bunsen's 200th birthday.

In the Google doodle shows the burner ans gas that bunsen gave. Google is always appreciate the contributers by not forcing but also displaying the image as doodle do. In this image burner is part of first G and Google is also remember for its creative doodle. That is always different and make company name Google.

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