Summer is on his way and we have to look after our self for this summer and whole year. Here we are provides you some of the Health tips that you apply on your regular life and as per report that really gives you result. After all we have to take care our health because there are one line that if you are fit than whole thing is fit.
- Rubbing Banana peel on an insect bite reduces swelling and skin irritaion.
- Rub milk cream and sugar granules on dry skin to soften it.
- Apply a mix of honey and lime juice on suburn affected areas. It helps lighten and soothe skin.
- Smell Cinnamon or chew cinnamon flavoured gum to boost your memory function and increase your alertness and concentration.
- Wash your Eyes with basil Leaves soaked in water to heal conjunctivitis.
- High content of vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium in guava, tighten loose skin.
- Rubbing ice cubes on the face tightens the pores and increases blood circulation.
- Drimking water boiled with coriander leaves helps cure rheumatism, sore throat, indigestion and allergies
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