Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Teenage Problems

Teenager problem
In the today's world most common problem is teenage problems. Today teenagers are faced so many problems and later that problems become so many forms. This teenagers problems are even in the stable and solid family units also. These time teenagers are facing confusion and uncertainty with themselves and life also.

Teenager problem

Today teenagers are facing to many problem study, unvisible feelings and many more that keep them stress and sometimes bring confusion also. teenagers are show themselves in different ways to different individuals just because of world of divorce, broken houses, unsafe sex, and common topic is alcohol abuse.

Here are we some list that teenager face directly and indirectly

  1. Schooling & Jobs
  2. Drugs & Alcohol
  3. Body Image
  4. Sibling Rivalry
  5. Divorce
  6. Eating Disorders
  7. Teenage Pregnancy
  8. Practicing Safe Sex
  9. Teen Dating
  10. Weight Struggles
  11. Acne

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