Thursday, 28 April 2011

JNTU Kakinada Results 2011 for MBA/ MCA 1st Sem at


Here we have good news for those who are study in JNTU (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University). Students chechk there results here. JNTU is declared the results 2011. The results is declared for MBA I, II, III, IV (NR, R07, R09) Regular/Supplementary exams. Students can apply for Recounting/Revaluation upto 5th May 2011.

Students are easily gets there results by just click the following link that is given below. JNTU College of Engineering, Anatapur stands aloft on a solid foundation of past glory and prestige. This college was started in the year 1946, under the post war reconstruction program and functioned at guindy campus, Madras for two years and was shifted to Anantapur in 1948. It was in the year 1958 that the college was shifted to the present permanent buildings accommodating the Administrative block, Laboratories, the Engineering Departments, Library and the Hostel blocks. JNTU is very good reputed University in Delhi.

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