Friday, 29 April 2011

Royal wedding live coverage, Prince William and Kate Middleton

Prince William and Kate Middleton

Today a Royal Wedding organize and this wedding is Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton. According to Sources that this is world's Second costliest wedding. Youtube has created a video channel dedicated to the Prince William and Catherine "Kate" Middleton Royal Wedding, and it will be broad-casted live from the Westminster Abbey, Today, starting at 11 AM, London Time (4-5 PM Manila Time).

Everybody around the world are eager to see this and most of is thinking that what kind of dress Kate wearing , Hows Prince looking, Both are give kiss each-other etc. For all of this you are now watch this royal wedding live. Will you be watching the big event? One famous U.S. pop star will - Justin Bieber! He said, "I'm going to be in a hotel but will have it on TV. I'm going to order some British food, like fish and chips, or an English breakfast.

Well, Let's see hows this event gone and approx Rs 372 crores rupees are expences in this wedding. Click on Watch Royal Wedding for live streaming.

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