Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Bikini wipeout! Lindsay Lohan left overexposed in Miami surf

Bikini wipeout! Lindsay Lohan left overexposed in Miami surf
Lindsay Lohan always come in wrong reasons to stay in the spotlight once again are discussed. Lost in accusations of stealing were cut sentenced to 480 hours of social service Linji were fun on Tuesday between the waves Miami Beach, their Bikini same time the belt broke and came out of his breast. However after rubbing sun cream on shortly afterwards, she managed to smudge it and likely ruined it even further after going for a dip in the Atlantic Ocean.

However, Lindsay immediately tried to cover the breast with his hands, but by then the scene had been imprisoned in some cameras. So after all the Linji were normal and the broken belt Bikini handheld light with a smile in the water bath were a little longer. Lohan was initially playing it coy, hiding behind an orange scarf, but eventually showed off her figure as she went for a swim with a friend.

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