Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Karnataka Mining Scam Caused $3.6 Bn Loss To Exchequer

Karnataka Lokayukta, investigation of corruption and illegal mining in the country Wednesday to hand in illegal mining in the country estimated losses 161 billion ($ 3.6 billion).

The court accused Santosh Hegde of Karnataka politicians, including Prime Minister BS Yeddyurappa, to cause harm through illegal iron ore 2006-2010, much of which is thought to have been transported to China.

"An amount of 16,085 crore rupees has been lost to the state in 2006 and 2010, the illegalities and irregularities, and to prevent the awarding of licenses and export of iron ore,Hegde said in Bangalore.

"The violations committed by illegal mining and export of iron ore, we have found the inclusion of some 100 mining companies, around 600 officials and powerful politicians, including Prime Minister."

Karnataka, which account for a quarter of the iron ore export banned shipments in July 2010 to curb illegal mining.

Yeddyurappa said before the report was released, he consulted on cabinet colleagues and legal experts when he saw the contents.

Hegde had said earlier that the "element of the crime on the part of Prime Minister, when he leads the department and is responsible for all mining operations for the omission of something", according to reports.

According to reports, Hegde reported more than 10,000 pages of secretary in charge of two steel shafts.

Before submitting his report, he said that he is not sure if the government takes any action on his report.

"I do not think that the government intends to do something on a report from me," he told media persons here.

Hegde said, although he does not expect any action from the government's case is of great importance as it affects the nation-state.

"I do not expect any government, but because the Supreme Court has already expressed very strongly that it can shut down all mining operations in Karnataka. Ultimately belongs to the natural wealth of the larger national interests and ultimately to the people," he said.

The court further said Hegde, Lokayukta is a risk that employees who report goes against the illegal exploitation of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in Karnataka.

"I have mentioned in the report that there is a potential threat, and I'm not saying that there is already a threat. Did I take into account the number of people they would be upset, these things happen in the future, and it may be in danger . So in this context that, yes, I have written a report I have presented themselves, "he said.

BJP central leadership has made it clear that it goes through before deciding on the future of the extensive report from the Government of Karnataka.

BJP President Nitin Gadkari said the party decided Yeddyurappa on Monday after a report on the future.

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