Saturday 27 August 2011

'Big Brother 13' Spoilers: A New Twist with Pandora's Box

The Big Brother 13 producers are desperate to keep the two remaining veterans in the game. That's the only conceivable explanation for the big twist from today when the first Pandora's Box of the season came into play.  

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 13 spoilers. Porsche is the HoH and opened Pandora's Box. As a result, this week will be played with duos just like the start of the season. In addition, it sounds like Porsche got $5,000 for her troubles. 

 So now Rachel and Jordan are a team, Porsche and Kalia are a team, and Adam and Shelly are a team. Porsche then nominated Rachel and Jordan. So what does this mean? Like the first three weeks, if the nominees win the veto, they save themselves as a pair and Porsche will be forced to nominate the only remaining pair, Adam and Shelly. 

 This is obviously some hardcore B.S. designed for the sole purpose of making sure Rachel and Jordan have a shot of both staying in the house this week. I sometimes joke about Big Brother conspiracy theories, but this one is very obvious, even for them. Production is messing with the outcome and actively helping Rachel and Jordan. If they don't make it to the finale, they have no one but themselves to blame because between this and Brendon getting to come back, the producers have done everything they possibly can to make sure a veteran wins. So now all Rachel and Jordan need to do is beat two opponents and they are not only both in the final five, but they also control the week's vote. 

I guess Big Brother producers don't like the newbies and are trying their hardest to screw them over. I can only hope that Porsche and Kalia step it up again and win to avoid the catastrophe of having both Rachel and Jordan survive this week. 

Of course the veto competition will be designed for Rachel and Jordan to win, so it will likely involve excessive alcohol consumption and stupidity. On the bright side, the twist hopefully means Rachel and Jordan will stop crying and being miserable, because that makes for some insanely boring viewing.

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