Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Earthquake in US

The earthquake first caused ground shacking at 1:51 p.m. ET, when it measured 5.9 in magnitude and lasted only 45 seconds, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. 

Now, although the earthquake was fairly weak and, luckily, uneventful damage-wise it produced a lot of panic, mostly because of the more powerful shacking, despite the low magnitude.

The epicenter was registered 4 miles southwest of Mineral, Va., near Richmond, Va., just about 80 miles south of Washington, D.C., however the depth of the quake was only 0.6 miles which explains the afformentioned shacking. 

No injuries or damages have been reported thus far, despite this the east coast quake managed to unleash a mass hysteria. Verizon Wireless, AT&T and Sprint say their networks were congested as the quake sent people scrambling for the phones. 

Nevermind twitter, which was simply flooded with millions of quake reports in mere seconds as people quickly turned to their mobile phones. A lot of buildings throughout major metropolitan centers in the northeast were evacuated after the quake, in sight of a possible upcoming after-shock, and nuclear reactors at the North Anna Power Station in Louisa County, Virginia, were automatically taken off line by safety systems around the time of the earthquake.

US citizens are generally prepared for quakes, in the west coast that is. Earthquakes are so rare on the left side of the Atlantic that the whole event caught everybody off guard, which just goes to say how unpredictable quakes really are. Meanwhile, across the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., the State Department was also not under evacuation orders.

No instructions were given over the loudspeakers throughout the building and Diplomatic Security confirms there is no requirement to leave. That said, many employees left the building on their own. One security guard, who perhaps suspected there might be a formal evacuation order coming soon, told people they may not be allowed back into the building if they leave.

The State Dept’s daily briefing had just ended when the quake hit. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton is on vacation in New York and not in the building.

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