Monday 8 August 2011

Honeymoon murder suspect Shrien Dewani told his first fiancee

Shrien Dewani murder suspect was impotent and could not have sex, your ex-fiance has told the South African police. seen on TV news. However, Dewani has denied the allegations and said he has never met in Munich with the male prostitute. 

Scotland Yard said that her alleged escort Dewani three sexual encounters between September 2009 and April 2010 a total of more than £ 1,100 paid for. Miss Kansagra, 26, who met at a party in August 2008 that he told Dewani South African police have called their engagement. 

They were on their honeymoon in Cape Town when two armed men attacked his taxi. Tongo damage and the driver was thrown Dewani Zola took the hijackers Anni. Swedish-born beauty was found dead the next day. Bristol Dewani, was later arrested on suspicion of murder after he returned to Britain. 

Miss Kansagra, the Northwood, Middlesex lives with her parents about her relationship with Dewani repeatedly refused to comment on. Bhupendra Kansagra his father founded the Indian airline SpiceJet. 

A police source told the Sunday Mirror: "She [the Queen] She can not have sex with him." Dewani can be said this week that he would be extradited in the southern African country is expected. was. Tongo, 31, Anni admitted conspiring to kill and ask her to set the 1400-pound Dewani charged for the event. His sentence is a plea - bargain deal in which he agreed to give evidence against Dewani later was cut to 18 years.

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