Wednesday 31 August 2011

Why Jordan Doesn't Deserve to Win 'Big Brother 13'

There are only six HGs left on Big Brother 13, and after this week one more will be gone. The endgame is when you start to think about the jury and who deserves to win. But equally important is who DOESN'T deserve to win.

I admit that I get way too invested in Big Brother, watching Big Brother: After Dark every night and following the live feeds. When you add in the fact that, like Daniele, I love and respect this game, I want to see someone win who deserves it.

I'm not ecstatic about this group of six being at the end. Based on their limited gameplay, I'd say people like Cassi, Dominic, Daniele, Jeff and even Brendon deserve to be there more than some of the current HGs. But there are still a few people left who I think deserve to win (sadly, the person who I think has played the best game is almost certainly going to be evicted this Thursday).

But there's one person who I absolutely, positively do NOT want to win. Someone who's game is so embarrassingly pathetic that a victory would completely undermine the entire game and dash my faith in Big Brother as a whole. And her name is Jordan Lloyd.

The fact that she won Big Brother 11 isn't really a factor in my decision. The truth is that, this season, Jordan has done absolutely nothing but sit back and let her alliance take her to the end.

From the minute she walked into the house, by virtue of being a veteran, she had a solid four-person alliance with Jeff and the other couple, Rachel and Brendon. Since Jordan is the weakest competitor in the group, it was like she walked into Big Brother 13 with three protective shields. No one would ever target her before targeting Jeff, Brendon and Rachel. If that was her strategy or some brilliant bit of manipulative gameplay, I could respect it. But no, all she did was walk in and her path to the end was almost a guarantee. Her weakness isn't a perception of a strategy, it's just who she is.

Also, she's only won one competition, the week 2 HoH. But let's look at her "win." Rachel got to pick the order the HGs golfed (which, it's worth noting, is the only time I can ever remember an outgoing HoH getting to affect the outcome of the following competition), and she purposefully designed it so Jordan could win. Then Jeff and Brendon both threw the competition. And the veterans also convinced a number of the newbies to throw the competition as well. Jordan didn't win it, she was handed it.

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