Sunday, 4 September 2011

Kashmiri treat for Rahman and Imtiaz

Music maestro AR Rahman and filmmaker Imtiaz Ali, the kitchen boasts some of Kashmir during his recent visit to Kashmir during the entire length of the film Rock Star.

Because some parts of the film was shot in Kashmir, the duo visited the valley of the good work special. Otherwise, one of a family called the director Imtiaz Alis long, Rahman in his place.

They are considered a rare delicacy in Kashmir. They have a great time gorging on homemade traditional dishes of Kashmir. This was followed by a tradition of almost every day with the delicious Kashmiri Vaazwan offered throughout the region and enjoy the unit.

In fact, the last day of filming, the crew called for a big party with all the delicious food, and to submit together with Ranbir Kapoor and Nargis Fakhri Kashmir in the interests of a great dish.

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