Wednesday 16 February 2011

BEML Recruitment 2011

The BEML Limited a Goverment of India Undertaking company is finding a well qualified employees for the post of Engineer and Management Trainees. According to BEML recruitment current Notice there are various vacancies of recruit for Engineer Trainees (ETs), Assistant Engineer Trainees (AETs) and Management Trainees (MT-HR) declared.

Vacancies for Post:-
  • Engineer Trainees Gr.II, Total Opening : 90 posts (Current-50, Backlog-40),
  • Pay Salary: Rs.16400-40500,
  • Age Limit : 26 years
  • Assistant Engineer Trainees Gr.I, Total Opening : 30 posts,
  • Pay Salary: Rs. 12600-32500,
  • Age Limit : 26 years
  • Management Trainees Gr.II, Total Opening : 10 posts,
  • Pay Salary : Rs. 16400-40500,
  • Age Limit: 28 years

Application feee is Rs. 100/- and payment challan is only State bank of India in the BEML Account No. 31006750220.

For more info click here

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