Thursday 3 February 2011

Cyclone Hits Northeastern Australia, but limited to loss.

Yasi Cyclone
A tropical cyclone that hit Australia's east coast overnight, little damage was afraid before, narrowly monstrous waves and wild winds in the central part of the warning after thousands of residents missing caused the largest city of Cairns.

Cyclone Yasi, the largest ever by the authorities described as a continent, around midnight local time in the State of North Queensland coast, has crossed, but soon the weather bureau downgraded to Category 2 from 5 .

Yasi CycloneCyclone Yasi officials feared that more cyclone Larry, a Category 4 hurricane that hit in 2006, devastating the region, the banana industry, destroying sugar cane crops flattened and 1,500 million Australian dollars in damage caused (US $ 1.5 billion) be.

Ms Bligh said extensive damage to some coastal areas, more than 175,000 homes without power in the left. Most of the damage from Cyclone Mission Beach, Tully, Innisfail and Cardwell was about the coastal communities. Tully, in the small town of 3,500 residents was damaged about 90% of Ms Bligh said.

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