Tuesday 15 February 2011

NTPC Recruitment 2011

National Thermal Power Limited ( NTPC ) has invites for recruitment of Executives Trainees in Electrical,Control & Instrumention, Finance, Civil and Mechanical.Candidatexs applyfor these given position with their required qualificationas mentioned in the main notification tha is given in the official website of National Thermal Power Limited.NTPC is regularly open the recruitmenteach year and this time they called for executives trainees.


National Thermal Power Limited (NTPC),
NTPC Bhawan,
Scope Complex,7,
Institutional Area,
Lodhi road,
New Delhi – 110003


Electrical vacancies: 145 posts
Mechanical vacancies: 175 posts
Civil vacancies: 60 posts
Control & Instrumentation vacancies: 100 posts
Finance vacancies: 40 posts

For more detail of Recruitment:- click here

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