Wednesday 9 March 2011

21 Priests suspended for children sexual expoitation

Roman Catholic Church Philadelphia

New York: 21 Roman catholic priets has been suspended for sexual exploitation of children in America's Philadelphia. Officials that are associated with the church said that this suspension done after jury's report. In report 37 current and former priest have been identified.

Philadelphia's Archbishop of Cardinal Rigali give statement on tueday, any member of the church over sexual abuse of children by priests especially I would like to again express regret from my part. Archbishop office said the 21 priests sent on holiday as well as disciplinary action against three others.

Five others also to be suspended but one of them is already on vacation. Two are not actively involved and two are working elsewhere. Their senior officials have been notified. Office said the list of 37 priests there are 8 others have not been suspended.

Initial independent investigation of these cases came before the next check is not required. Rigali said, "Investigation began after complaints were received in District Attorney Office. We were given the Grand Jury report of 2011 expressed grave concern and said the critical decisions needed."

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