Friday 11 March 2011

Ancient Hindu temple at risk for dig in the Pakistan

Ishlamabad: Pakistan's southern Sindh province by a private company for granite being excavated an ancient Hindu temple is in danger. Local people are protesting the excavation.

The company a month ago using heavy machinery and dynamite Tharprkar in the village of the Choaryo district outperform hill near the Durga temple excavation work began. Express Tribune According to the report, in February when it began digging at that time Nepal, India and other countries where the Pilgrims came to be included in an annual fair. The passengers saw the way towards the temple has been destroyed. Metal were strewn around and heavy machinery digging work was going on.

2 February, starting three days during the Shivratri fair local people opposed the digging. Virji Kohli a local citizens said hill are cut from all the direction. We fear that the temple will most damage. Local people say that the government of Sindh province contractor Abdul Qureshi lease gave the hill. According to reports, Qureshi granite temple down the hill to remove part of the fig has started digging. However, a legislator has promised that will help prevent excavation work.

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