Thursday 10 March 2011

Birth control pills are dangerous for the heart

Birth Control pills Dangerious for Heart

New Delhi: If you have been use emergency contraceptive pills than thinking once again. These tablets can save you from pregnancy, but these can be very dangerous for your heart.

Exeprt are says that increasing the sales of contraceptive pills there are a disease named "(DVT)", There are most case of found this disease in women. The full name of DVT is Deep Vein Thrombosis. In this disese accumulates in the blood clot in the blood vessels

Birth Control pills Dangerious for Heart

Medanta Hospital's Doctor Rajiv Parakh says that In changing the lifestyle seen that main caused of DVT is birth controlpills.To smoking and drinking in women is even more prone to illness. DVT a serious illness that becomes a blood clot in the blood vessels.

Birth Control pills Dangerious for Heart

Experts believe that in recent times with an increasing number of advertisements for birth control pills DVT number of cases has increased. Judge said that the percentage of women increased DVT and without medical advice, the women taking birth control pills come over its prey.
Birth Control pills Dangerious for Heart

Government figures show that in 2009 nearly 82 Lakh contraceptive pills were sold. This number of pills purchased in 2008 is more than 250 times. These pills are the ads claimed that within 72 hours of unprotected sex can help prevent pregnancy from taking them.

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