Monday, 7 March 2011

Dilip Kumar's sister looted by the servants

Dilip Kumar's Sister Asif Akhter

Mumbai: The super hit film "Mughal - E - Azam" lead actor Dilip Kumar's sister Asif Akhter were looted by her servants. Asif Akhter is 72 years old and she is wife of late Akhter who made super hit movie "Mughal - E - Azam".

Asif lodged police report against her servants. He told police that her helpers have taken their jewelery and cash. Asif alzheimer's disease. Thats whay she could not remember the right things.

Dilip Kumar's Sister Asif Akhter

On sunday Asif Akhtar who is resident of juhu flat gave police complaint and said that the incident was made by her driver, his wife and another maid. Asif bunglow is near to Amitabh Bachchan's bunglow

Aslam Khan who is brother of Akhter is said that these servants were working for them from many years.Asif also given them a bearer check for the house expenses. Seems that servants are also misused them. Asif also said that servants are took around 12 Lakh Rupees.

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