Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Ekta come with another Bold movie than LSD

Ekta Kapoor

With encouraged her previus home production movie "Love Sex Aur Dhokha" Ekta Kpoor is again go to making a movie on the bold subject, and that why she has no kept any stone to unturned. In fact Ekta purchase the rights from real life's Ragini just because in order to have any problem in future. This film is based on ragini's real life incedent where her sex MMS are distributed all the people and than her whole life was changed.

When ragini find out htat Ekta Kapoor making a film and this film is based on life's sex mms than she and her family members are immediately stop the film. They believed that the film defamed them have to face once again.

But according to sources Ekta Kapoor personally integration with ragini and her family members. On film realese time there are no problem occure that why ekta kapoor gives ragini a huge amount for the rights of the film. Now no body have taking any issue about the film. The film is also become in hindi with Telugu version. Lead role to play in the movie Raj Yadav, who Dibakara Banerjee's' Love, sex aur dhokha of "three stories with a MMS scandal story have been working. The film is playing the role of tonality Kaizad Motiwala and film are the direct Pavan Kruplani.

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