Saturday, 5 March 2011

Justdial | Justdial Chennai | Justdial mumbai | Justdial delhi | Justdial Ahmedabad


Justdial is a one type of Search engine. In the case of local search engine, justdial becomes the India's first numbers local search engine. This is portable local search engine if you want to find out something around you than you have to call this This unique local search service is available on Phone – 6999 9999 (a single number for whole country) Web – WAP – or SMS 53999. For search in justdial click the following link that is given below.

VSS Mani who is the founder of Justdial local search engine and Justdial is started in 1996. When company started with Rs. 50,000/- and has now grown manifold to a valuation of over Rs.521 crores. The company have 25 million unique users among the 240 cities in India. This unique local search engine service is available on Web, WAP, Phone and Sms. Justdial has investments from leading venture capital funds like Sequoia Capital, New York based Hedge Fund Tiger Global and Hong Kong-based SAIF partners.

Justdial have 3,500 strong wok force in India and also more than 1,00,000 SME advertisers.


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