Monday, 7 March 2011

Mali's community are reached to help Gaddafi

Mali community
"Tuareg" tribal community people who lived in North West African Country are recently came to involved in Libya ruler Muammar Gaddafi's army. This information is revealed in a media report.

An unnamed official said that Last week Tuareg community masses people are left mali and than they are go to Libya and joined the supporter of Libya ruler Gaddafi.

A senior official elected on condition of anonymity, said that around 200 to 300 people have left Mali in the last seven days. An another person of Tuareg community said that yes, It is true that a large number of young people was going to Libya. All this happen began last week.

Mali community

A convoy of 40 vehicles across the border into southern Algeria for waiting to go Libya. The official said, "Every one who join Libya Forces government give than $ 10,000, And I heard him being told that apart from one day to fight for them will be $ 1,000.

Mali government have not yet issued any statement about the allegations. But Mali's foreign ministry official said, "Mali government is tough opponents for to use mercenaries to fight and any way they are not helping the people people go to Libya. We consider now to prevent this are.

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