Saturday, 5 March 2011

Muslim boy sued the American Goverment

Muslim boy sued the American Goverment
California: A Muslim who is lived in America is sued the US Government and the FBI for violating his constitutional rights and all his movement is tracking by the GPD device which is hidden in his car says reuters' Thursday report.

According to details, Muslim named Yasir Afifi 20 years old who is resident of California and student of Santa Clara. Yasir Afifi was alerted to a traking device by a mechanic in October, 2010. When Yasir Afifi was took his car for oil change.

Yasir Afifi was told that when he was removing the GPS device from his car than after he was confronted by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents.

Federal Bureau of Investigation is reviewing the law suit and declined further comments this is said by Justice Department Spokperson. The law suit accused the Justice Department and FBI of violating his constitutional rights by conducting searches without a warrant, tracking his movements and bounding his freedom of speech and association.

American, Federal Bureau of Investigation has been criticized by civil fliberties groups over it's survillence tactics against Muslims.

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