New York: New York police are plotting terrorist attacks in the city have arrested two suspected terrorists. City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in the report. According to Xinhua news agency Bloomberg said at on Thursday in news conference that they are trying to buy weapons from secret agents after that two suspects were arrested.
City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said a U.S. citizen and a legal resident of another explosion in Manhattan, arrested for allegedly plotting is. Both the man arrested name Ahmed Ferhani, 27, and Mohammad Mamdouh, 20, during their court hearing today.
It is the first terror plot uncovered in Manhattan since Osama Bin Laden was killed almost two weeks ago, and will raise fears in a city already on high alert for reprisals. Bloomberg said there had been 13 plots against New York since the September 11, 2001 mass murder of nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center.
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