Monday 11 July 2011

BSE Adopts New Corporate Identity

State premier stock exchange, the Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. on Monday formally adopted a new common identity as BSE Ltd.

Its twenty ninth meeting approved in June, Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. formally adopted a new common identity as BSE Ltd., according to a press release.

Plan for two centuries, the BSE played a leading role in covering several milestones that continually strives to create value for stakeholders, and India's financial ecosystem, he said.

It has turned into a pan-Indian multi-product market, said the infrastructure authority, whose activities range from equity, debt and derivatives segments of the care and education for business publication.

BSE is the oldest stock exchange in Asia. As with all companies listed on the BSE stock market exchanges in position 4 and the eighth largest in Asia in the world.

BSE 136-year-old also has the largest number of listed companies (over 5000) in the world.
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