Monday 18 July 2011

Harbhajan Singh Sues Vijay Mallya

Harbhajan Singh
Advertising is a parody on the result of an ace-spinner Harbhajan Singh, sending a commercial spirit Vijay Mally-owned UB know, lawyers say that the player seems to show that the Indian captain MS Dhoni mocked him.

Two players support Rival Companies.Bhajji advertising tag line is Did I do this great? Dhoni ad Mally-owned appearance to McDowell Bhajji should ask themselves: "Did I do it big? Dhoni, saying Forget the big, nothing else."

In commercial Dhoni, Harbhajan look-alike running the factory and can be slapped by his father.

Harbhajan lawyers, legal notice, has said that the commercial mocks the off-spinner, his family and the Sikh community. Advocate Shyam Dewani, speaking to NDTV said one of his lawyers more than football, his family upset.

Notice also requires that a company publicly apologize Harbhajan families read the newspapers, through television channels, as well as the obvious "after the removal of advertising within three days after receipt of notice.

A lawyer, however, rubbished speculation that it would affect the relationship between the two ace cricketers. Dhoni and Harbhajan is known to be close.

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