Friday, 22 July 2011

Mumbai Airport On High Alert After Terror Threat

Mumbai Airport
A high alert has been sounded in Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport after a threat of a terrorist attack, said the top airport official Friday.

As of Thursday evening, the security measures implemented by the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security, Central Industrial Security Force, Mumbai International Airport Ltd and all private and state-owned airline, the official, requesting anonymity, told IANS.

Central message of the possibility of a terrorist attack with improvised explosives (IEDs) or other chemicals, and encourages the authorities to call.

Being the subject of a thorough physical inspection of passengers, have restrictions been imposed or parking of vehicles around the airport, and the sampling is done in all places, officials said.

13. July, three explosions rocked Mumbai using IEDs in Zaveri Bazar, Dadar, and Opera House, where 20 people were killed and over 100 were injured.
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