Sunday 17 July 2011

Petitioner In Padmanabhaswamy Temple Case Dies

Kerala temple
T P Sundarrajan, the legal battle led to the opening of the long detention vaults Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Thiruvananthapuram, where treasures are found dead Sunday in the wee.

Bachelor's was the 70th Sundarrajan He had a fever the past two days, said relatives.

Former Indian police (IPS) officer, was also served Sundarrajan Intelligence and Security staff of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Later, IPS, and stop living in Thiruvananthapuram.

It was Sundrrajan who started the legal battle for openness, conservation and protection of the property to the temple, run by the Trust under the erstwhile Travancore royal family.

The case took a decisive turn when the Kerala High Court in February ordered the state to take over a stamp.

Later, the Supreme Court, while considering an appeal the Board of Trustees of the High Court ordered a temporary stay, but asked to open temple cellars and priceless treasures stored there, were believed to be worth more than Rs. one lakh crore, which is developed.

After a seven-member jury of observers, including two former judge of Kerala High Court was set to go on a job to open the secret chambers.

Sundarrajan, whose father was the legal adviser to the royal family of Travancore had been in the house near the temple complex in recent decades.

The Supreme Court Friday reserved the issue of allowing law enforcement to its original inventory of the vault is another temple, which is still open.

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