Tuesday 12 July 2011

Rahul Meets Kalka Mishap Victims, Slams Railway Officials

RahulCongress leader Rahul Gandhi, who Tuesday met the injured in the accident hospital in Kanpur Kalk Mail, elevated railway officials victims complained that they could not be refunded.

In his nearly 40-minute visit to hospital Hallett, Rahul, who was accompanied by Union Coal Minister Sriprakash Jaiswal and senior railway officials, said the condition of those undergoing treatment with Burns, acute and intensive care units and their families, doctors, officials said.

Rahul promised all possible help to the victims and their families.

Some victims said, pleased that they have not yet received compensation for the Ministry of Railways. Visibly upset with Rahul expressed his grief over the appeal and directed the railway officials to take steps to compensate the victims as quickly as possible, they said.

Railway officials said they are facing some problems, but left them satisfied.

"I do not know everything. You must be solved immediately," the official was quoted as saying Secretary-General of the Congress sends him.

Fifty-six of them were injured in the train tragedy in Kanpur hospital, while others are under treatment Allahabad and Fatehpur.

Gandhi in Kanpur was originally scheduled to arrive at eight in the morning, but thanks to last minute change of plans came to the hospital at 10:55 Hallett Chaker airport.

Rahul first met Burns Ward of the victims to the hospital. After spending nearly 25 minutes there, he went to the emergency room, where he spoke to patients and their families.

"Rahul asked me if I was satisfied with the health and medical care," said Irfan, who was traveling in coach S4 Lime Express on Sunday, when the accident caused serious injuries to the head and legs.

Iqbal, another injured victim Fatehpur, said: "Rahul saw the scars and asked if I was facing difficulties in the hospital Shriprakash Jaiswal He directed that none of the problems the victims at the time of treatment .."

Jaiswal, the local MP.

Aanad said Dr. Rahul Swarup, the main medical school, and the condition of the injured said. He asked for free medication and treatment costs were for patients Swarup said yes.
"Rahul said, allowed two patients in intensive care units, and expressed concern for their condition," Swarup said.

In the meantime came the furore in the media people waiting outside the hospital and the special protection group personnel and police.

At the airport Chaker Rahul talked about some of the injured victims, who were waiting to take flight in West Bengal Congressional aides said the driver.

Delhi-bound Lime Howrah Mail on Sunday was derailed near the station Malwan Fatehpur, about 120 km from Lucknow , leaving 69 people dead and over 240 were injured.
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