Thursday 14 July 2011

Three Bomb Blast In Mumbai 21Dead, 141 Injured

Mumbai Bomb Blast

Three nearly simultaneous explosions rocked Mumbai during rush hour Wednesday, killing at least 21 people and Injured 141, said the government appeared to be another terrorist strike in the city hit a major attack in nearly three years ago.

Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavanne said the latest attack killed 20 people and the home minister P Chidambaram said that the toll was likely to rise.

TV footage showed dozens of police officers, many of them armed, at least one of the sites and the explosion shattered the windows of their car. The picture shows the victims of the blast at Zaveri Bazaar, crowded at the back of the cargo truck transported to the hospital.

So close to the time of a series of explosions,we conclude that there was a coordinated attack by terrorists,Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said.

An explosion hit a crowded neighborhood Dadar in central Mumbai. Others were Zaveri Bazaar, jewelry market and a busy business district in the famous opera house in South Mumbai and several miles (kilometers) away, police said.
Mumbai Bomb Blast
All three explosions took place from 6:50. to 07.00. if all districts will be packed with office workers and commuters.

2008 attacks killed 166 people and was blamed Pakistan-based groups. Tensions escalated between the two countries and peace negotiations were suspended. Talking about the newly resumed.

Shortly after Wednesday's blasts were reported, the Pakistani government, in its stress on the loss and damage.

The explosions would be the first major attack on Mumbai violence since November 2008, when ten terrorists laid siege to the city 60 hours, which is aimed at two luxury hotels, a Jewish center and the bustling train station. There was no immediate indication that Wednesday's explosions were part of a long siege.
Mumbai Bomb Blast
Mumbai has the edge since then. In December, the authorities extra police on the streets of the city of intelligence that Pakistan-based militant group was planning to attack the New Year weekend. Police conducted house-to-house searches in some suburbs, four men, who authorities believe the city to a terrorist attack, and computer images of the four suspects were released.

In March 2010, said Mumbai police that they will be a major terrorist attack in India after the arrest of two men who police said was ready to hit several targets in the city. Then in September, police terror in the city during a popular Hindu festival in the notice.
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1 comments: on "Three Bomb Blast In Mumbai 21Dead, 141 Injured"

Akhilesh said...
The matter of the fact is that today, not only do we lack political will and stringent comprehensive laws to counter terrorism, our law enforcement agencies don’t even have a proper clue about the same

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