Friday, 26 August 2011

Anna BJP came to the road to Parliament

BJP Anna Hazare, leaving aside the contradictions of the Public Ombudsman Bill, has announced support within and outside. Anna's letter to party president Nitin Gadkari has supported their movement up the road from Parliament. According to the bill in Parliament to discuss the Jnlokpal demanded. 

The late night BJP leaders including LK Advani and other senior Members of the team of Anna after meeting both sides described the positive. Anna's colleague in the press conference, Kejriwal said, "BJP is our bill agreed on most issues. 

Now we are awaiting the government's response. " Ongoing conflict between government and the team of Anna to clean their own role within the party and getting out the BJP has come out of criticism. Anna Gadkari written promise from the government and Parliament in this case also sought to tie into the process so she can finish it fast. 

JP Gadkari Ndda and Vinay Sahasrabuddhe letter from the Secretary-General met with Anna and their support people on Lok Pal Bill. Gadkari said the party's stand clear on the issue itself. The conduct of MPs outside the House Select Committee on the Ombudsman and to bring it out of the majority of government is also desirable. BJP on Friday in the House in the debate on these issues will have full strength.

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