Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra are old lover. Last week came the news of their breakup, but we've heard now that they are getting closer again. In the last few days, a source close to Shahid and Priyanka have risen and with them many times during this one - while the company has also been observed Enjoy.
The sources also say that at present about the relationship status of Sasha and piggy Cops can not confirm anything. But in view of their increasing proximity to the prospect of their Pacap.
In the last few months from Priyanka Harman Baweja Ranbir Kapoor and Akshay Kumar have long been linked to many people. So, it is extremely difficult to find out who will be her Mr. Right.
On the other hand, after his breakup with Shahid Kapoor does not seek to have a partner. Last week, were aided by Priyanka, but they were separated. So, once again coming close to Shahid and Priyanka are the reports indicates that both - are dying without the other.
Let me tell you now, with Sasha and the piggy in the shooting of Kunal Kohli's film. However, this relationship can only tell the truth or Priyanka, Shahid!
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