Thursday 18 August 2011

When birth is a life or death lottery

Their precious newborn son to a mother and father lying in his arms gaze adoringly. It may be the happiest moment of his life, but should, in fact, it is the most tragic. For their child, they named the relay and a blue cap on his head swaddled in a white blanket is dead. 

His life is an awesome list of errors in an NHS hospital after just 35 minutes away. This poignant scene in the relay memory a video made by his parents, was captured on film. I was a healthy woman. I had a healthy baby. So I walk out of the hospital the day after the birth of my child expected. 

His grieving mother, Heather Paterson says, was not beyond the destructive. Relay at the Royal Free Hospital in London, died on Good Friday. Tragedy on Easter holiday weekend due to a lack of staff on duty came. Ian back to the baby's heart rate dipped three times called Dai, but Dai did not call a doctor or stay with Heather. Three hours later relay the heart can no longer be heard, Heather underwent an emergency delivery. But it was too late. 

Riley was born with cord around his neck. He was starved of oxygen after an investigation concluded that neglect had contributed to his death. Far too many children who relay in NHS hospitals in recent years as a direct result of a shortage of midwives has died. 

Last month the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said that hospital births were not necessarily safer option. Maternity care crisis is driven by a number of factors. Between a baby boom in the UK last year with the birth rate is highest for 20 years. 

Almost 800,000 children, one in four were born to foreign mothers. Every 40 seconds or a rise compared to 1630 in 2001 equates to 1981 children every day, according to the office for National Statistics. Difficult and increase the possibility of UK mothers in some parts of the chronic shortage of midwives that have been added. Older mothers, overweight, those having twins, triplets or quadruplets associated with IVF treatment, and girls in their home countries as foreign mothers who have undergone female genital mutilation are included. scarring and Tailoring of this cruel behavior often creates a natural vaginal birth, is impossible without a doctor's intervention. can. Service is on the verge and the cracks are beginning to appear. Midwives often without breaks can not continue like this and work safely. '

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