Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The Large Convoy Towards Nigeria's Capital By Libya

A large convoy of soldiers involved in the Libyan Tuareg tribal fighters left the town of Agadez in Niger today, and head south of the capital, witnesses said.
Abdoulaye Harouna, the owner of the log data of Agadez, said he saw the team arrived on Monday, dozens of pickup trucks. He said that in the south to the capital Niamey.

Convoy leader, said the rebel leader Rissa Tuareg Ag Boula, a native of Niger, a failed war of liberation led in the name of ethnic Tuareg nomads ten years ago. He fled to Libya, and believe that he is fighting on behalf of the Gaddafi.

It was not immediately clear whether the convoy under the Gaddafi family, or other senior members of his government.
Foreign officials said they have no information about the convoy.
French Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said that the ministry did not know who the vehicle.

"We have no information other than that," he said. "We follow the movement of vehicles, and we can see."
He Thierry Burkhard, French military spokesman said that "no information" about the convoys.
NATO officials said the alliance has no direct knowledge of the convoy.

NATO military aircraft are not normally patrol the deep south of the Sahara, he said.
Overthrew the Libyan leader is known that the battalion and the Tuareg fighters to use, and the system of Gaddafi is expected that the Tuareg rebellion in northern Niger fund.

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