Saturday 26 February 2011

Create Facebook Account

Facebook Account
So, You are want to on Social Networking site and you don't have any idea that how you opened account and in ehich you opened account for those here we have some information. Open account in Facebook because it has powerful Network that connect you with all the people around the world. Lets check how you create the account in Facebook.

Steps to Create Account In FaceBook:-

1. First write in addressbar.

2. After that you are seen Welcome page of Facebook.

3. There is a "Sign Up" form which is desplayed in right side of welcome page. Fill all the information in "Sign Up" fom and hit on "Sign Up".

Facebook Account

4. Facebook is provide the verification image of verification form. write the text that is provide in verification form that is also known as capcha. and click on the "Sign Up" button another time.

Facebook Account

5. So now you have to check out your mail B'cause facebook is sent you a confirmation link that is write as "Facebook Account confirmation " in your mail that is prove that the createing account is yours.

6. Next page after this is a that facebook allows your email address for the check people who is already in facebook. Generally facebook is not access all the mail account so here you use a tool that called a "File Importer" with the help you upload the address book via seprate sheets.

Facebook Account

7. Facebook provides lots of way to connect your existing friends and contact them including your school details also.

Facebook Account

8. Noe the next page is abut your self I mean upload the Photo of yours that you think I want to upload nature picture whatever you want upload it and complete the your picture profile.

Facebook Account

9. Last page is called a set up wizard and here facebook also give us another chance to connect the existing friends or you can skip also after skip check out your profile and edit whatever you like to change or edit.

Facebook Account

10. So Now your Facebook account is succe ssfuly create and enjoy the all the function and application that is provided by facebook

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