Under the country's 15th national census, 2008, terrorist attacks in Mumbai in the case of convicted terrorist Ajmal Kasab was also calculated.
Kasab in the Arthur Road Jail for in the asked many questions related to census. Kasab answered all questions.
High-security Arthur Road Jail's Superintendent Rajendra Dhamane said, "census questions related to the Kasab had met to find a prison officer. The official answer all questions received from the Kasab. In addition, we also recorded some of his side available information such as date of birth, address, religion, mother tongue, etc.. "
According to jail records Kasab is 23 years old. He is a resident of Faridkot in Pakistan and he has studied up to fourth.
Deputy Health Officer (census), Dr. SD Tosar said, "Kasab census questions asked for personal and professional. He answered us that we can not disclose it. "
Arthur Road Jail during the census of all the three and a half thousand prisoners.
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