Wednesday 23 February 2011

Davis had Relation with Taliban

Raymond Davis
Pakistan's Lahore city, shot and killed two Pakistani citizen and run, he was arrested for killing U.S. diplomat Raymond Davis had a relationship with the Taliban and the terrorist group to recruit young people to hold used to work.

Raymond Davis

Davis's relationship with the Taliban about a media report that claimed here today. On the other hand Pakistani terrorist group Jamaat - ud - Dava claimed the death penalty for sought. He accused the U.S. of making bomb blasts across the country in which people are being killed in large numbers.

Raymond Davis

Tribune Express newspaper quoted officials of the Punjab province, police reported that Davis had links with Tehreek - e - Taliban Pakistan. The day before the U.S. media that U.S. officials had said the CIA was working as a security contractor.

Raymond Davis
The newspaper quoted a senior official of the Punjab police said the killing took place in Lahore in a way that our security agencies are a boon to doubt that is Davis, Lahore and other parts of Punjab is planning to terrorist activities. The official said that during interrogation of Davis's relationship with Tehreek - e - Taliban (Pakistan) is revealed. Davis play the role of the Taliban recruiting in the youth of Punjab was so bloody rebellion can be promoted.

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