Wednesday 23 February 2011

Villeage left to watch TV because of TV Ads

Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, In any home TV not seen with sit together in this village. In some families, members of the house in its buy own separate TV sets. whom that don't afford they stop to wathching TV.
Bran village of Kullu people television programs and advertising are becoming so dirty thats why they can not sit with the family.
TV Ads
Because of this the village's ban together to watch television several times. The villagers say that television series are being served in the pornography.

TV Ads

Now the village is seen in the TV something like this when the religious serial grandfather watching television, than neither son nor grandson is allowed to enter there. All the same rules differently - is it comes apart.

Chief limitation Devi says the village people is believe in God enough. To the TV ads are being served in the pornography. Family sit together to watch it is very embarrassing. The entire family would sit together watching religious serial, only break comes in the name of any such ads that are all red-faced.

TV Ads
That is our a movement against TV ads is likely to pornography. Former head of the village said that the new generation of villagers with us for this decision.

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