Wednesday 9 February 2011

Egyptian president is world's richest man : repot

Egyptian President Mubarak hosni the world's richest man may have. His estimated assets of Rs 31.70 (70 billion U.S. dollars). According to Guardian News , Mubarak considerable part of their earnings deposited in Swiss and other foreign banks have taken. His Manhatten, London and Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive real assets are also located.

Happy with assets of $ 70 billion Mexican business tycoon Slim Corlos Helw (53.5 billion U.S. dollars) and richest U.S. Microsoft founder Bill Gates (53 billion U.S. dollars) to go ahead. Princeton University Professor of Political Science Aman - A - According to Jamal, 30 years in Egypt, Mubarak's regime took advantage of every government deal. Mubarak was appointed the Vice President in 1975. President Anwar el-Sadat's assassination after October 14, 1981 sitting on the chair. Muhammad Ali Pasha Mubarak since the longer the president in power.

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