Saturday, 12 February 2011

The graduate | Graduation | after graduation

Everyone facing this point in lives until he/she up, So much people followed the same way toward where we're today - we work our way and hard through school along the way - we can do anything to graduate high school with respective grade and extracurriculars. Why we do this?? Of course to get in a great college.

After graduating when I was chasing my first job, yes, I showed my resume and my experience over Collegiate were been discussed much more during the interview - but when I moved to My Hometown(A'Bad), its below the belt is only one year of agency experience - college was never even brought up - there's nothing to a "step foot in the real world" and I was interested before I did - now a page in the first 21 years of my life? are more than a footnote.And now i'm doing this writing a blog.

Every time the Question is that, "Does college matter after you graduate?” does our hard work is what we mean squat after walked across the stage? Is this a personal pride thing as opposed to a professional need and more? Is it very different from industry to another industry??

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