Wednesday 31 August 2011

Jan lokpal Act: use of mass movement Anna Roy

Writer Arundhati Roy, Anna Hazare doubts on the anti-corruption movement, saying that the public ombudsman bill of law is dangerous. 

Her CNN - IBN, said in an interview, "People's Lok Pal Bill, I doubt many reasons. I think this bill is dangerous. " He alleged that members of civil society has in its favor by the public anger. 

Booker Prize novelist Arundhati said, "you (civil society) of the genuine and justified public anger against corruption is used, so its pushing ahead on that particular bill that is quite dangerous." Hazare-led movement, he said Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia movement was launched by the NGO. He said the core committee of three members of the NGOs and the Magsaysay Award. World Bank and the Ford Foundation is funding anti-corruption campaigns. 

Roy said, "Anna Hazare was elected to the public as a saint and has been prepared in the same way. His mind was not behind the movement. We really need to be worried about that. " He also said that Hazare did not like the movement of the mass movement. He charged the media to air it. Roy said that certain people were involved, but these were not all middle-middle class. Many people come to the reality shows, the media campaigns were well planned.

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1 comments: on "Jan lokpal Act: use of mass movement Anna Roy"

Rajan Alexander said...

Open letter to Ford Foundation and Arvind Kejriwal on charge of US bankrolling anti-corruption agitation

Business Standard published this morning an interview with Arvind Kejriwal and Steven Solnick, India country Rep of Ford Foundation in an article titled Claims that Hazare's movement is US-funded baseless: Arvind.

They confirmed Arundhati Roy's charge that Kabir, a Kerjiwal NGO received $ 400,000 during the last 3 years as funding from Ford Foundation. On the broader allegations whether the US steamrolled the Anna Hazare anti-corruption agitation, they drove themselves further to a corner. We send them an open letter as a reaction to their interview.

Read more:

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