Saturday, 12 February 2011

Which the Seven Wonders of your world??

7wonder of your world
Here we talking about the seven world of your world. If someone asked you to list the seven wonders of the world, you will be able to do so?

First of all you would ask them, "Which the Seven Wonders?"

There are several lists: Tthe Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Seven Wonders of the modern world ... Natural World ... Underwater world.

7wonder of your world
No matter what the answer, but anyone or any organization would not agree with you.

What are you Wondering the world's seven?
If you want to travel? It's a simple question that I think many people do not ask themselves. What are your travel dreams? Tour to country by Pedaling? Their own state? Alaska to Tierra del Fuego? A grand world tour?

7wonder of your world
So, Here is my List:

  • Bolivia
  • India
  • Switzerland
  • Niagra falls
  • Madagascar
  • China
  • Italy

That is my seven wonder whats yours???
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