Thursday 24 March 2011

Elizabeth Taylor Photos

Elizabeth Taylor Photos

As giant of Hollywood's golden age Elizabeth Taylor is remembaring forever. Elizabeth is the film star and connected with the Hollywood. It is like losing a member of the family. In her own way...she was inspiring. She was a liberated woman before it became vogue. She had lotsof talent and acting skilled too. This star Elizabeth Taylor of Hoolywood is died in Los Angeles on Wednesday. Elizabeth Taylor is 79 years old. She was Nominated for many Academy Awards.

She is hollywood movie actress. Elizabeth Taylor won Best Actress for Butterfield 8 in 1961 and for Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? in 1966. In addition to her silver-screen success, Taylor was well-known for her flashy style and her many marriageseight, to seven different men, including Richard Burton (twice), Eddie Fisher, and former Sen. John Warner.

Here we some Elizabeth Taylor Photos:-

Elizabeth Taylor Photos
Elizabeth Taylor Photos
Elizabeth Taylor Photos

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