Thursday 24 March 2011

Spice popcorn projector m9000 price

Spice popcorn projector m9000 price
Spice launched a mobile that we can also use as projector in India. In Indian cellular market there is lots of company are try to provide the different system but Spice make different to all of them. Spice is also good brand value in Indian Cellular market Spice Popcorn Projector Mobile has launched in India and at spice popcorn m9000 Price is Rs 6,699 in India.

Spice popcorn projector m9000 price

The New mobile is by Spice mobile. The new Spice Popcorn M9000 is a Dual SIM mode GSM Mobile phone which is featuring as Projector. From now you can watch your photographs and video and other memorable from mobile phone to on large screens using its inbuilt projector of the new Spice Popcorn M900 mobile .It also sports an analog TV chip with free channels on your mobile phone. Watch live TV action on the move.

Mobile Overview:-
  • JAVA
  • Stereo Bluetooth
  • Projector Phone
  • Multi SIM
  • Analog TV
  • Document Viewer
  • Videos on Demand
  • 1200 mAh Battery
  • Quad band
  • 6 cm, 262K QVGA Screen
  • 3.2MP Camera
  • FM with recording
  • MP3
  • Video Recorder
  • Video Player 3gp, mp4, avi, flv, rm & rmvb
Mobile Features:-
  • Unique Experience
  • 3.2 MP Camera and Video Player
  • Pocket Projector
  • Analog TV
  • Document Viewer & Laser Pointer

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