Thursday 24 March 2011

Japan to pay more than $3-Billion for nuclear damage.

Japan to pay more than $3-Billion for nuclear damage.

Sources that is connected to the Government of Japan said that Japan may have to pay to agricultural workers and also business enterprises for living close to the crippled Fukushima. Nuclear reactors for the losses the plant had incurred after its devastation from the massive earthquake and tsunamis that is came couple of weeks ago. Tsunamis and Earthquake in Japan had left close to 10000 people are deaths and over 16,500 people are missing and displaced over 260,000 people. The 11 March quake may prove to be the most expensive natural disaster ever recorded in history and was tagged at US$309 billion according to new estimates.

The people who are lived near area of nuclear reactor and also affected by damages that is caused by the leak of Nuclear reactor said by the Yomiuri Shimbun. He also added that nuclear reactor leaks could be compensated by the Japanese government between US$1.5 billion and US$3 billion (120 billion yen and 240 billion yen). " The accountability of nuclear reactor operator when accidents occur that is according to the Compensation for Nuclear Damages Law that stipulates

It was also said that it is possible the State bear the amount the reactor operator will be unable to pay. The law also adds that the nuclear reactor operator, which in this case is the Tokyo Electric Co. (TEPCO), should, in principle, be obliged to cover for the damages that are caused by the nuclear accident at their reactors.

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