Wednesday, 1 June 2011

World Milk Day

World Milk Day

Today is 1st June and all around the world today is celebrated as World Milk Day. AlphaOne in association with Family Nestlé is organizing “Taste Bhi Health Bhi” activities and contests for the people of Amritsar at AlphaOne. Through this unique initiative they will share information about the goodness of milk and engage the community with prized recipes, games and lots of interesting activities.

People around the world are celebrates this very differently and in their ways. The aim of World Milk Day is to help society make healthy beverage choices and to raise consumer awareness about the importance of milk in their daily lives. World Milk Day was initially proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, who designated June 1st as the calendar day when all ‘aspects of milk would be celebrated worldwide.

Across the world, countries enthusiastically participate in World Milk Day every year, and through interactive activities with individuals of all ages, extol the benefits of milk and its role in a healthy diet. Tetra Pak has maintained a long tradition of celebrating World Milk Day worldwide and has carried out numerous fun-packed activities for different consumers in many diverse regions.

The World Milk Day at AlphaOne on June 01, 2011 will have two 2 sessions of ‘Taste Bhi Health Bhi’ of one hour duration each at 1:30 PM & 5:30 PM with about 80 -100 people attending it. The entry fee for participation is kept at Rs. 100.00 for participants. There would be fun activities, many games and goodie bags for each participant and the best 3 recipes would win prizes. There will also be a session on Good Health tasting the recipes cooked.

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